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Running Project 8 - Backend

Setup instructions

Setup Environment:

  • Visit the GitHub repository and refer to the file for detailed setup guidelines.

  • Ensure all prerequisites, including specific Python versions or other dependencies, are installed before proceeding.

Terminal Setup:

  • Open Visual Studio Code (VS) and access the terminal.

  • Navigate to the project 8 directory using the terminal. (Example: cd path/to/project-8)

Activate Virtual Environment:

  • Use the appropriate command to activate the virtual environment based on your operating system.

  • For Windows: venv\Scripts\activate

  • For Linux/Mac: source venv/bin/activate

  • Once activated, you should see (venv) displayed in the terminal.

Run the Server:

  • Enter the command python runserver in the terminal.

  • If any issues arise during this step, troubleshoot potential error messages or problems that may occur.

Accessing Pages:

  • After running the server successfully, Ctrl+left click on the provided link to open it in your preferred web browser.

  • Explore different pages by navigating to Signup, Login, Home, Navigate through these pages to explore the functionality.

  • Please ask team lead for credentials.