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The Smartbike relies on BLE's GATT protocol for internal communication (between the Smartbike's components & Raspberry Pi). A gatt python library is used to drive this communication between the Raspberry Pi and the Smartbike's components.

Installing gatt library

To install run the following pip command:

pip install gatt

Import Library

The gatt library provides two classes which together manage and connect to BLE GATT enabled devices: DeviceManager & Device.

import gatt


The DeviceManager class discovers and manages BLE devices.

# create a manager
manager = gatt.DeviceManager(adapter_name='hci0')


# create and connect managed device
device = gatt.Device('XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX', manager)


# run manager


# cleanly stop manager


To initialise a DeviceManager pass it the BLE adapter address (most likely hc10):

manager = gatt.DeviceManager(adapter_name='hci0')

Managing Device

When creating a Device pass a DeviceManager to manage it:

device = gatt.Device('XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX', manager)


To run call


To cleanly terminate use DeviceManager.stop():



The Device class is responsible for connecting to the device and discovering Services & Characteristics of the device.


device = gatt.Device(mac_address: str, manager: gatt.DeviceManager, managed: bool=True)
mac_addressstrthe mac address of the target device
managergatt.DeviceManagerA DeviceManager for managing the Device
managedbool [Default True]In theory you could manage the device explicitly in which case you would set managed to False - but there is no reason to do this.

Connecting to device

To connect using Device.connect():


The callback methods connect_succeeded and connect_failed can be overriden to log or handle any errors during connection.

Discovering Services & Characteristics

Upon successfully connecting to the device the services_resolved method is called. This method automatically discovers and appends all services of the device to the property and should be extended to discover any services or characteristics of interest like so:

class AnyDevice(gatt.Device):


def set_service_or_characteristic(self, service_or_characteristic):

# match using UUID
if service_or_characteristic.uuid == 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-...':
self.service_or_characteristic_of_interest = service_or_characteristic

def service_resolve(self):

for service in
for characteristic in service:


# any other operations needed

Control Point Callbacks

After an operation is sent to a control point (read/writing a value, enabling notification, requesting control, etc) the control point will return a response. A set of callback methods should be overriden to perform any necessary operation's response:

Callback MethodParametersResponse Type
characteristic_write_value_succeededcharacteristicThe characteristic write operation succeeded and the value has been updated
characteristic_write_value_failedcharacteristic, errorThe characteristic write operation failed with the following error
characteristic_enable_notification_succeededcharacteristicNotification on the characteristic has been enabled
characteristic_enable_notification_failedcharacteristic, errorNotification has not been enabled on the requested characteristic with the following error
characteristic_value_updatedcharacteristic, valueA notification enabled characteristic has updated with the following value

These methods should be overriden to log, trigger methods for updated values, and handle errors.


The Service class handles GATT services of devices. It has the following properties:

uuidThe unique uuid of the service for identifying it
characteristicsA list of the Service's Characteristics.


The Characteristic class handles GATT characteristics of services/devices. It has a unique uuid for identification stored in its uuid property.

Reading Values

To read the value of a Characteristic use the Characteristic.read_value() method:

value = characteristic_of_interest.read_value()

Values are returned as an array of bytes. Depending on the expected use of the value it may be converted into a str or int, the bytes may also be a set of flags and values which require bit operations to extract the values from.

Enabling Notification

Better than explicitly reading a characteristic's value is being notified and given a value when the characteristic updates. Use the Characteristic.enable_notifications() method to enable notification. When the value is updated the Device callback method characteristic_value_updated is called.

Writing Values

Values written to a characteristic must be in a bytearray data type. To write a new value use the Characteristic.write_value():

# Convert the value to write into a bytes array
value_to_write = bytearray('Hello World!')

# write the value to the characteristic

Updated gatt library

The version of the gatt library available through pip is outdated compared to the one available on the GitHub repo. As such a local updated version of the library has been created in the Drivers/lib/ folder under the gatt/ folder. To load this version use:

import lib.gatt.gatt_linux as gatt


This version contains the Descriptor class. Descriptors can hold useful meta data describing the expect values and use of a characteristic. In this version of the library, each Characteristic has a Descriptors array property:

description = characteristic_of_interest.descriptors

# convert to string

Limited use of the Descriptor class and descriptors property has occurred - Wahoo devices appear to lack any meta data in their descriptors.

Further Information