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MQTT Topics

The Smartbike relies on MQTT for external communication with applications like the VR game and mobile app. All topics follow the following naming convention:


Old drivers only partially follow this convention. All driver code that will continue to be used should be updated to follow this convention. Any application planning to interface with the Smartbike should follow this convention.

bike/{DEVICE_ID}/[topic name]/[sub-topic]

  • {DEVICE_ID} being replaced with the Smartbike's ID - this should be done by the program depending on the bike it is interacting with.
  • [topic name] being the name of the topic.
  • [sub-topic] being the relevant sub-topic for the application of the topic (more about sub-topics below).

Device IDs

As the Smartbike is still in a prototyping phase and there are only two of them, the device ids of the Smartbikes are below:

Bike 1000001
Bike 2000002


Sub-topics define the direction and type of data being published:

Sub-topicDirection of CommunicationType of Data
controlBike ← AppActuating
reportBike → AppSensing
statusBike ↔ AppError/Status

The status sub-topic is not yet implemented in any drivers or applications.


Refer to driver's documentation for implemented topic details

All implemented topics are split into two categories: actuating and sensing.

Actuating topics may not have a report sub-topic, and if they do, it may only report meta data such as accepted values.

Sensing topics may not have a control sub-topic.

inclineControl KICKR Climb incline
resistanceControl KICKR smart trainer pedal resistance
fanControl the Wahoo Headwind Fan power
speedRead the m/s speed value of the KICKR smart trainer
cadenceRead the RPM cadence value of the KICKR smart trainer
powerRead the Wattage power value of the KICKR smart trainer
heartrateRead the BPM of the TICKR heart rate monitor

Payload Structure

Refer to driver's documentation for expected payload structure.

Data published to topics, either by the Smartbike or an application, should follow a predictable JSON structure, including:

  • The values of interest with appropriately named keys
  • A timestamp for time-of-publication
  • Any useful descriptive metadata

Example - cadence/report publish:

"value": 6.0,
"unitName": "RPM",
"timestamp": 1722834169.6118855,
"metadata": {
"deviceName": "bike000001"

Example Topics

bike/000001/incline/control will change the incline of the KICKR Climb when valid values are published to it.

bike/000001/speed/report will forward speed value updates from the Smartbike if subscribed to.

Further Information

See our MQTT client-class.

View implemented topics in the drivers' code: