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Creating Components

Document Creation: 7 May, 2024. Last Edited: 19 May, 2024. Authors: Leesa Ward.


A component is a reusable piece of code that can be used to build elements of a user interface. Components can be as simple as a button or as complex as a form. They are used to break down the user interface into smaller, more manageable parts.


Before creating a new component, please check if one is available in our shared library, Redback UI, that would suit your needs.

generate-react-cli is set up to generate the boilerplate code required for a new component using our pre-defined templates.

To create a new component, run the following command in your terminal, replacing ComponentName with the name of your new component.

npx generate-react-cli component ComponentName

A new folder named with your component name will be created in the src/components directory, containing the following files:

  • ComponentName.tsx: the main React component file
  • ComponentName.styled.ts: where styles are defined, using styled-components
  • ComponentName.test.tsx: the unit test file. A basic example is included. Please add further tests as relevant to your component.

If you are creating your component in Redback UI, this will also generate:

  • ComponentName.stories.tsx: the Storybook file used to see, test, and document the component in isolation.

Further reading